Security Leaders & Teams

From early stage startups to huge global conglomerates, from big tech to non-profit, and from budgets of practically zero to tens of millions, we’ve likely been in your shoes before. We offer specialized services to level up your ability to efficiently build trustworthy and effective security practices to empower the missions you support.

Below are highlighted examples of what we can do to support security teams and their leadership.

Optimize Your Identity and Access Management Tech Stack

Getting Identity right for your organization is critical not just for security, but also for ensuring productivity and a positive employee experience. We help our clients achieve low friction and phishing resistant secure access for their workforce that is both simple and cost effective. Our approach to identity and access management has a proven track record of withstanding modern phishing and social engineering account takeover techniques while empowering employees and maximizing data protection. We’re able to meet clients where they are at in terms of identity technology and deliver advanced identity outcomes without introducing significant complexity or cost.

Elevate Your Security Culture & Education

The most secure workforces are those that are sufficiently empowered with knowledge, context, and inspiration to do the right things. We help our clients to grow beyond the traditional and ineffective phishing tests and once-a-year awareness training by delivering a continuous security education strategy informed by your unique business context and needs.

We develop and implement education programs that are measurable, efficient and unintrusive to operate, and based on proven pedagogical practices.

Incorporating security into your culture is a long term investment and we’re there for you throughout the entire journey.

Risk Analysis and Assessment

Reduce the complexity of your risk management program without losing the necessary nuance to make balanced decisions between security needs and business velocity. Our straightforward approach will satisfy your auditors while remaining easy to manage for your organization. It cuts to the heart of what risk management is about: reducing the risk to your organization to an acceptable level.

Streamline and Secure Your Employee Lifecycle

Simplify and assess the lifecycle management of your employees, including the onboarding and offboarding cadence, access management, and challenging audit areas. Our team knows how to balance the difficulty of consistent processes with prompt and secure change as employees occupy dynamic roles.

Maximize Security Program Efficacy While Operating Within Constraints

Sequencing and a scrappy attitude are important when a new budget may not be available, even with aggressive growth projections. We’ve provided high impact with limited resources for small teams before, and we’re confident we can work with what you have today.

Looking for Something Else?

Check out our list of services. We also offer customized services based on your needs: tell us about them.